best catfish dragging weights

Best Catfish Dragging Weights

There are a few factors to consider when choosing the best catfish dragging weights:

  1. The size and type of catfish you are targeting: You will want to use a heavier weight for larger catfish and a lighter weight for smaller catfish.
  2. The conditions of the water: If you are fishing in deep water or strong currents, you may need a heavier weight to keep your bait in place.
  3. The type of bait you are using: Some baits, such as live bait, may require a lighter weight to allow them to move more naturally in the water.

In general, it’s a good idea to start with a medium-sized weight and adjust up or down as needed based on the above factors. Some popular options for catfish dragging weights include bell sinkers, bank sinkers, and slip sinkers. It’s a good idea to ask for recommendations at a local fishing tackle shop or to consult with more experienced anglers in your area.

Here are two styles you should check out:

Rattle Snake™ Dragging Weights

Rattling Sinkers for Easily Drifting and Trolling Through Snags, Without Hangups

Slip Stick™ Dragging Weights

Sinkers for Easily Drifting and Trolling Through Snags, Without Hangups